Saturday, May 30, 2009

For more widgets please visit

checking up plus bored

uhh so hi well does anyone know how to run newbluefx onto windows movie maker cuz ive registered made an account downloaded installed and all but yeh im stuck so yeh and sadly swine flu is spreading fast so ill be home more even though its in western northern and southern suberbs im kinda still safe in eastern

Friday, May 29, 2009


if u on it ur awesome lol

new music YAY i love it

and also this is what it looks like for ppl who arnt ninjas(thanks calis9)

omg i almost forgot new music
i luv all of them lol


hi everyone as u can see i added xat chat at the bottom and whos among us website hit counters and mixpod widget so if theres anything u want for this website ill get it no matter the cost

WOW friday stuff

first o9f all chack out the beach adventure party comin soon cant wait

front cover

click on the soccer ball

to get the awesome green jersey
go the envirorment lol

click on those cards

to get to this to see your stats and cards

thats all BYE eveyone

Thursday, May 28, 2009

IM YOURZ by calis9

also theres gonna be an adventure partay on 12 and new newspaper rockhopper will leave on 31 and also new pin and clothing catalogue 4 and 29 new jusic for igloos

this music video is made by kiwi23 not calis9 he is the guy singing it k

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

wow look at this

WHOA check out the beach theirs lottsa plants oergrowing and also for some resaon i cant upload the pic so srry ill try get it back

Monday, May 25, 2009

LET IT ROCK WOOHOO(kiwi23 ft.calis9)

this was funn to make if you think this is awesome comment plz

and here a question what colour hair was i wearing you have to look closly

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

friday news and stuff

why a background lol

pizza parlour pin hmm new desert menu lol

Thursday, May 21, 2009


heres the events
love story music video cancelled bye

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

list of event stuff lol

first of all i have finished love story ill upload it soon second of all i got a party vid ill upload that as well and also heres a list of next music videos(srry i rushed love story its gonna suck)
jai ho
let it rock
right round
no air
no one
then u get to choose

rockhopper coming

rockhoppers coming with a plant party i think lol

Monday, May 18, 2009

umm anyone know whats happening i didnt read a thing actually im making a music video for love story heres a list of music videos im gonna do
love story
let it rock
right round
jai ho
no air
no one
then on and on and on lol also go on
also this is my mixpod playlist
and i will finnally add some widgets soon when matthardy879 comes over lol

Sunday, May 17, 2009

what can i say IT WAS FREAKING HARD

Saturday, May 16, 2009

click on poodle plant

click on the corn thingy lol

click on medieval banner

click on red electric guitar
and also when i grow up is half finished

Friday, May 15, 2009

lotsa updates

rockhoppers coming back

new igloo treehouse i got heaps of coins lol

at least i have all the pics lol

heyy everyone this post might be mixed up
ps i being chased by a year 8 in school for me and my friends calling him gay lol

plus ill be on msn email me but my emails are clogged lol catalogue cheats comin soon

and also when i grow up music video due next week or so
im really busy so bye cya

Thursday, May 14, 2009


its officialy done yay lol this was hard and fast

new stuff

ok heres whats new im making a music video for womanizer and my parents are gonna kill me cause ive wasted all my time making the msuic video and theres new events i cant remember srry that im obsessed with getting the video done i think rh is coming soon lol byez

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


all rights reserved kiwi23

this video was the hardest best craziest nailbiting freaking hard and watevr u like to call it video ive ever made this took me a long time i kida rushed it so sorry

video by kiwi23

new club penguin banner

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
do you know how to use it
i have no idea LOL
just try it
copy and paste on your site

wig colour chosen yay

club penguin said the votes are in a blue won so heres what its gonna look like

it will be available june 5th

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

what error lol

if anyone knows what this is tell me

ughhhh DELAYED

sorry everyone hot n cold club penguin music video has been DELAYED to july or august i have to start from scratch i lost the music and footage so yeh its delayed wildly ill make other vids though but this ones hard k so cya until i post again

Monday, May 11, 2009

hot n cold by kate perry under construction

heyy everyone im gonna make the first offical music video for this site so yeh its under construction lol first i have to memorise the song then say the words on cp arrange the words then mix the words with the song lol so yeh ill get it ready by june or something

card jitsu cards in uk and new puffle cards

well if u are in uk the wait is over cause card jitsus coming ur way they will arrive by next week and also theres gonna be new puffle cards like this
by kiwi32


this has to be the best video ive ever made in my life lol

yay my first vid on cp

heres some bad thing bout it:
bad quality
loads slowly(sorry i was downloading)
right round(supposed to be the 2nd song)didnt show up
so im so sorry bout all these errors my next one will be better
if u still like it comment
if u have any ideas for videos email me here
video by kiwi23

Saturday, May 9, 2009

matthardy879 vs asproylis wwe match


first go to the gift shop and click on the scroll

click on the arrows to see the next following pages

so cool lolz

treehouse 09 may(srry i forgot it)

so to get there go to the forest and u can go
to either the stairs or ladder thingy ok

once u do that u will come to this place
well i guess cp added it for another year
lol cause it was here last medieval party
at least non members can go here lolz
PS.(srry i forgot this i was busy doing the member room cheats)
cheats by kiwi23

Friday, May 8, 2009

09 may medieval party cheats + new play

or click on the kinghts needed sign

the signs are nearly everywhere ok

then stand on the things on the ground

to light up those orbs light up every one of them

to go to the snowball throwing place

then hit the targets 50 times to go to the next

challenge which is the maze

then do the maze the directions are






once you finish the maze u will come to this place

at the top of the stairs there will be gold armour

wizard hat at the lighthouse

go to the boiler room an click on the big pot

then go on the kings crown to get the awesome king pin

click on the pink viking helmet

then u will get the red viking helmet

open and close it four times

then while the blue one is open click on the pink viking helmet
(the other on the purple penguin) then wala u have struck gold

Thursday, May 7, 2009

my great friend and me

his playercard

there they are plz ask me anything u want in comments i can email u back

speedy pro+me

they they are

new nespaper + events

cool the haunting of the viking opera lol thats total weird and funny
can wait for this to come out

heres the events page

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

birth gems lolz

this has nothing to do with cp turns out im studying gemstones and rare minerals so i found this cool pic comment and tell me which one u are born on